Hehehehehehee wazzuppppppppp peepo xD ! I'm going to miss Loola, Bintan so muchhhhhhh! Okay so ermmmm, i'm going to miss the activites there, except hill trekking and the dirty things LOL. Oh also the bed, the food, no no no ! Anyway, i find one of the instructor kinda cute, GYAAAAAAAAKKKKKKK OMG. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! So darn cute la xD !!!! Omg omg omg, i wanna go back Loola again LOLOL. HAHAHAHHAAHH. Omg think of him will go so happy, gosh i'm smiling to myself LOLOL. Okay gotta chill HEHEHHEE.
Anyway, i'm back like errrr 2 days ago. Camp was simply F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C! Hehehheehhehehehee! I only like the part of the cute guy LOL. Okay not forgetting Warner's 'Fantabulous' singing in the bus. He brought us so much fun! I couldn't sleep there manz, don't know is bcos of something or what, or maybe is not used to the bed there. You know the bed there very sandy not?! VERY VERY SANDY EHHHHHHHH. LOLOL. Anyway, the food not bad la, sometime nice, sometime bland LOL. Heheehehe. Oh i had seasick too, wtf. On the trip there, luckily i had YiLin's pill to save me, so i actually had the energy to run around. But when coming back, i didn't ate the pill, so i kinda had this severe seasick, but i didn't puke though. Just very dizzy, until now i still can imagine that dizziness i had. God.
Okay so yesterday i just had my hair cut. Then today went to school do e-learn. Now kinda just listening to music or watching show. Chatting with Sam brother too on facebook. Also Angie bby, omg i miss her so fking much la :( ! I needa catch up with so many people wtf. Kayy i guess this is enough already, so BYEBYE.