The best thing that happened to me, was you.
Evening people. I'm finally here! On my blog! Hehes? Okay so i'm afk-in in audi right now? :( Bby faster online msn, i want audi with you :/ ! Okay back to today. I shall start like.. NOW NOW NOW!
Today morning don't want to wake up sia. Last night kena disturbed by bby sister until 11 then sleep, i keep blow her she keep make weird sounds, make me laugh only LOL. Okay i just dc-ed from audi. Gimme 5 mins. Okay anyway, while waiting for it to load, errrrr let's see. Morning went to school la, then chatted with Nat the whole time. Did flag raising then went back up. EL first period, played some kind of survivor game. Had some private chat with Nat after that then had pe. Pe was all running. Running to catch each other, running to touch the wall, then some kind of crow & crane catching game. Then last 1.6 test. I got 8 mins ;o ! Anyway, then went back to have maths, i yawned very loudly LOL. Then recess eat like some kind of hungry pig, LOL. No choice, I'M VERY VERY VERY HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYY. Then had chem after changing. Angie sprayed deoderant on me, so strong the smell LMAO. Then went to hall for bintan camp briefing. Then went to brother school to help him buy books, then go home after eating lunch with Jieying. Then reached home wanted to sleep, but cannot, so used laptop until now. Audi-ed & facebook-ed. Youtube-ed too, found nice & funny videos. Hehehehe! Texted with a few people too <3 !
Okay i have to go tell my papa about tomorrow which i'm buying CNY clothes & also to study! Okay so good-de-bye babies, miss me & i'll miss you too, xoxo.
Day 28 - A youtube video
I can't embed it, so i shall just give you the link. It's hilarious hehehe!
Tags replied:
Joan: @ Blog.
Angela: @ Blog.
Jieying: Yeah relinked. :)