Then we mrt back to Commonwealth mrt bcos they can only take bus 195 home bcos of AWWWWWWWWWW BoonThong :D ! Oh yeah on the way down right, i quarrelled with BoonThong who's the first best friend of Jeanette LOL. Then i dragged them to buy the birthday cake of my father with me, oh yeah i bought a niceeeee wallet yo. Okay with the help of those two retards :D Then cake also, THEY KEEP CHANTING "CHEAP SKATE CHEAP SKATE CHEAP SKATE!" Which is supposingly to be "CHEESE CAKE CHEESE CAKE CHEESE CAKE!". So it's like i bought my clothes, but not shoes. Then maybe need go out & buy again soon. Then hor, me & Jeanette keep "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW boonthong" to him, cos it's so AWWWWWWWWWWWWW. HAHAHAHAHA. Okay then i go take my IC photo, so retarded la omg. Then go home dinner then bathe. Then hung up my clothes & facebook-ed & took me like half an hour to remember the password & email for blogger. Okay i shall go audi now before red kp(s) me. BYEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Tags replied:
Jieying: LOL? Retarded, who ask you type so fast, 赶着去投胎阿?
JingYin: LOL Hehehehe i know you like it, bcos i like it too xD ! Tomorrow coming my house study yeah?!